
Year of Projects--Week 4

Gosh I cannot believe it is Sunday already...and almost AUGUST! What?!?

A went through a growth spurt this week, or at least that is my guess. Constant eating, lack of sleep and fussiness? Now he is cashed out! I can't believe he is going to be 2 months old in a few days...speaking of A, he is waking up so I better make this quick!

Since I was rather occupied with A I didn't get as far as I wanted on my projects. I was hoping to get to the decreases on the owlie sack but still have about 1/2 inch to go...progress is progress! This needs to be done by the middle of August!

And I managed to get a few more rows done on my Grandma's SOS scarf. It's going slow because my needles are long and aluminum. I definitely recommend going with short, wooden ones...I already know this would be going faster with those...might need to pick some up. The encouraging thing about this scarf is that it gets s t r e t c h e d at the end... so really, it's longer than what the picture depicts :)

A and I are going to my mom's for a couple days this week. I know I will get knitting done bc Grandma won't put him down ;)

Thanks for stopping by, stay tuned for next week's update!


  1. Have a nice relaxing time at your mums. I'm looking forward to seeing your owlie sack, they are so cute.

  2. I so wish I had seen that owlie sack before my daughter gave birth to grandygirl #2! I will have to keep it in mind for nay future grands. Yours is lovely--and you are getting a lot done for someone with a 2 month old baby!

  3. awww that owl sack is going to be so cute. And any knitting done is good knitting right? Right!

  4. When Livy wa that age I considered it a major victory if i could knit 2 stitches a day before falling asleep. I love the owl sacque
