Awhile ago, I was asked to make a scarf in Iowa Hawkeye colors for my father-in-law's co-worker. I want it done by fall so figured I better get a good start on it before baby comes.
I finished the Sun Hat earlier this month but as always I do not block right away so it takes awhile for me to post FO's. I really like how this turned out. Can't wait to take another pic with baby wearing it!
George the Giraffe knitting kit I received from my sister-in-law and her hubby is ALMOST done. I need to stitch on his eyes, mouth, etc. I am not good at sewing pieces on...he looks like a gremlin! It was fun to do though!
I am still working on my Blog A Long list. It is becoming quite long! I added several Christmas and baby projects for friends. I was going to attempt an afghan but think I may just make it a baby afghan instead. My goal is to have the Hawkeye scarf and a project (secret!) done for my friend's baby who will be one in July before I start my Blog A Long list. We'll see what happens...
Well, back to my Coca-Cola and Hawkeye scarf! Thanks for reading everyone!